Back by popular demand and with added slots, the Hannah Elementary PTO is hosting Family Photo Mini Sessions with Lisa Kelly Photographer.
Note that this is NOT the official Fall school photo day offered by Geskus, it is a 20 minute photo session, ideal for family sessions! It is also not limited to Hannah families, so tell your friends!
Sessions are done at Lynch Park in the Rose Garden. Slots are $75 each and include one edited download. This all goes to the PTO as the photographer is generously donating her time. Therefore we encourage tipping! (We’ll have her Venmo on hand the day of, and of course cash is always welcome!)
When you get the photos back, you will have the opportunity to purchase more directly though the photographer as well.
To pay for your session, please make checks out to “Hannah PTO” or Venmo @Hannah-treasurer
We are also looking for volunteers to check people in and keep Lisa company on the days of the photo shoots. Please consider signing up for one of these time slots here:
Questions? Email or